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Unveiling the Imperative for Corporate Governance Consciousness in Papua New Guinea

In an exclusive presentation during the prestigious Masters Pinnacle 2023 event at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), a compelling discourse unfolded on the critical challenges facing Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the pivotal role of Corporate Governance (CG) in reshaping the nation’s moral landscape.

Championing Moral Appeal in a Nation at Crossroads:

The speaker, Mr. Meck Minnala, who is also a dedicated postgrad student at UPNG, skilfully navigated the intricate question of how to make a moral appeal to a nation seemingly adrift from its moral compass. Highlighting CG as not just a set of rules but a moral conscience, the speaker posed questions that resonated with the audience’s collective consciousness.

The presentation skilfully elevated Corporate Governance (CG) beyond a mere set of rules, positioning it as a moral conscience for the nation. This perspective went beyond the conventional understanding, emphasizing CG as a guiding principle deeply embedded in ethical considerations. The speaker’s adept navigation of this complex terrain resonated with the audience, prompting introspection into the collective consciousness of Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Biblical Wisdom Echoes in the Halls of Academia:

The presentation drew inspiration from the biblical passage John 8:32, emphasizing the transformative power of truth. This truth, as articulated, extends beyond individual liberation to the collective emancipation of PNG, shackled by the daunting complexities of corruption and ethical dilemmas.

“You shall know the truth and the only the truth will set your free” (John 8:32)

This biblical passage served as a guiding light, illuminating the transformative power of truth in a nation grappling with the shackles of corruption and ethical dilemmas. This passage reaches beyond individual liberation, resonating with the collective aspirations of Papua New Guinea (PNG). The truth, as gleaned from this ancient wisdom, becomes a beacon of hope for a society yearning for emancipation from the complex web of corruption that has entangled the nation.

As the halls of academia echoed with the resonance of this biblical wisdom, the audience was urged to contemplate the profound implications of truth in the pursuit of collective freedom. This spiritual dimension added a transcendent layer to the discourse, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individual moral awakening and the broader societal transformation that PNG so ardently seeks.

In weaving biblical insights into the fabric of academic dialogue, the presentation went beyond the conventional boundaries of discourse, inviting contemplation on the role of divine guidance in shaping the ethical landscape of a nation at a crossroads. The harmonious intersection of faith and academia in this instance underscored the profound impact that spiritual wisdom can have on intellectual pursuits, particularly when addressing the pressing issues of morality and corruption.

Echoes of Wisdom –  Sir Mekere Morauta’s Prophetic Legacy Resonates:

In a moment of reflection, the speaker paid homage to the late Sir Mekere Morauta, whose prophetic insights continue to reverberate in the corridors of national discourse. Morauta’s characterization of PNG’s corruption as both ‘systemic and systematic’ became a focal point, marking a poignant juncture in the presentation.

The speaker, with a solemn acknowledgment of the gravity of Morauta’s words, highlighted the worsened state of affairs since the late statesman’s astute observation. The unfolding narrative underscored the pressing need for comprehensive and transformative measures, as the entrenched issues identified by Morauta have deepened, casting a shadow over the nation’s ethical landscape.

Sir Mekere Morauta’s legacy, with examples also drawn on how he led CG interventions at PNGSDP to fortify it’s intended ppurpose, became a rallying point for the presentation. The gravity of the situation served as an urgent call to action, prompting a collective introspection on the responsibility borne by each citizen in steering Papua New Guinea towards a more ethical and transparent future.

In honoring Sir Mekere Morauta’s contributions, the speaker not only acknowledged the accuracy of his characterization but also emphasized the imperative for decisive, transformative changes. The legacy of Sir Mekere Morauta, it was evident, serves as a guiding light in navigating the complex terrain of corruption that demands a comprehensive and systemic response.

Corporate Governance is the Silver Bullet for National Healing:

In the core of the discourse a resounding assertion took center stage—the belief that Corporate Governance (CG) consciousness acts as a potent silver bullet, offering a pathway to heal Papua New Guinea (PNG) from the pervasive peril of corruption. The heart of this proposition lies in the recognition that CG, firmly rooted in moral principles, possesses the transformative power to guide organizations and individuals toward ethical decision-making, transparency, and accountability.

The speaker articulated the idea that CG serves as more than a regulatory framework; it embodies a moral compass steering entities away from the quagmire of corruption. By emphasizing adherence to ethical principles, CG becomes a powerful force for positive societal change, offering a comprehensive remedy to the deep-seated issues that have hindered PNG’s progress.

This concept was expounded upon, using the case study on PNGSDP as an example, highlighting how CG, when embraced conscientiously, can foster an environment where integrity prevails over dishonesty and transparency over opacity. The narrative positioned CG as not merely a set of rules but a cultural shift—an ethos that, when internalized, permeates through the fabric of both public and private sectors.

The deliberate use of the metaphor of the “silver bullet” emphasized the potential for CG to be a decisive and transformative solution, capable of piercing through the complexities of corruption that have plagued the nation. It portrayed CG as a unifying force, bridging gaps between moral aspirations and practical implementation, setting the stage for a rejuvenated and morally conscious PNG.

As the discourse unfolded, the audience was invited to envision a nation where the principles of Corporate Governance serve as a catalyst for positive change, reshaping the narrative and steering PNG towards a future defined by ethical governance, transparency, and a collective commitment to healing the wounds inflicted by corruption.

Wisdom Echoes from Burke and White to Illuminate the Path to Societal Renewal:

Though not stated in the presentation due to time limitations it was an obvious insinuation of the timeless wisdom of two influential figures—Edmund Burke and Ellen G. White. Their insights, each representing a unique facet of moral and ethical guidance, provided a compelling foundation to understand the speaker’s appeal to the audience’s sense of responsibility in the face of corruption.

Edmund Burke’s enduring maxim, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing,” is a call to action. This ageless wisdom underscores the imperative for individuals to actively engage in the pursuit of good governance. It serves as a reminder that apathy and inaction can inadvertently contribute to the perpetuation of corruption, emphasizing the profound impact that collective responsibility can have on societal outcomes.

Another timeless citation worth nothing is that of the profound words of Ellen G. White, who emphasized the indispensable role of individuals with unwavering moral principles.

” The greatest want of the world is the want of men-men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole; men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall” [EG White, Education, P57, pp3]

These individuals were portrayed as the bedrock of a society striving for excellence—an essential element in the quest for ethical governance. White’s wisdom resonates as a clarion call for individuals to stand firm in their commitment to moral integrity, irrespective of external pressures or prevailing challenges.

Together, the insights of Burke and Ellen G. White formed a compelling narrative that urged the audience to recognize the transformative power inherent in their individual actions. By intertwining these guiding philosophies, the speaker crafted a message that underscored the profound influence individuals can have in shaping a society that aspires to the highest ethical standards. In essence, the wisdom of these masters illuminated the path to societal renewal and transformation, emphasizing the indispensable role of personal commitment in the collective pursuit of excellence.

Hope on the Horizon: UPNG’s Corporate Governance Initiative:

As the presentation approached its zenith, a glimmer of hope emerged—the recently introduced Post Graduate Diploma in Corporate Governance Program by the UPNG School of Business and Public Policy. Positioned as a crucial step in the journey toward evangelizing corporate governance consciousness in PNG, the program aims to instill the values of integrity, transparency, and accountability in future leaders.

In retrospect, the presentation transcended the boundaries of a traditional academic exercise; it was a heartfelt plea for a nation to rediscover its moral compass through the lens of Corporate Governance. The speaker remains optimistic that the message conveyed will spark change and inspire a collective commitment to building a more ethically conscious Papua New Guinea. This special edition invites readers to reflect on the potential for transformation in the wake of this compelling discourse.

Here is the YouTube link to the presentation for your viewing:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yS5xBTm8bWg

God Save PNG!

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